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Startseite Über uns Endbericht (Hyper-)Texte Allerlei Interaktionen Sitemap



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Request For Comments
RFC 1: Crocker, Steve:
"Host Software.", April 1969.
RFC 3: Crocker, Steve:
"Documentation Conventions.", April 1969.
RFC 790: Postel, Jon:
ASSIGNED NUMBERS, September 1981.
RFC 850: Horton, Mark R., 1983:
Standard For Interchange of Usenet Messages, Juni 1983.
RFC 977: Kantor, Brian & Phil Lapsley, Februar 1986:
Network News Transfer Protocol. A Proposed Standard for the Stream-Based Transmission of News, Februar 1986.
RFC 1000: Reynolds, J. & J. Postel:
"The Request for Comments Reference Guide.", August 1987.
RFC 1036: Horton Mark R. & Rick Adams, 1987:
Standard For Interchange of Usenet Messages, Dezember 1987.
RFC 1036BIS: Spencer, Henry:
News Article Format and Transmission, 1994.
RFC 1087: Internet Activities Board:
"Ethics and the Internet", Januar 1989.
RFC 1121: Postel, Jon, Leonard Kleinrock, Vinton Cerf & B. Boehm:
Act One - The Poems, September 1989.
RFC 1338: Fuller, V., Tony Li, J. Yu & K. Vardhan:
Supernetting: an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy, Juni 1992.
RFC 1380: Gross, Peter & P. Almquist:
IESG Deliberations on Routing and Addressing, November 1992.
RFC 1396: Crocker, Steve:
The Process for Organization of Internet Standards Working Group (POISED), Januar 1993.
RFC 1519: Fuller, V., Tony Li, J. Yu & K. Vardhan:
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): an Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy, September 1993.
RFC 1518: Rekhter, Yacov & Tony Li:
An Architecture for IP Address Allocation with CIDR, September 1993.
RFC 1550: Bradner, Scott & Allison Mankin:
IP: Next Generation (IPng) White Paper Solicitation, Dezember 1993.
RFC 1603: Huizer, Eric & Dave Crocker:
IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures, März 1994.
RFC 1718: Malkin, Gary:
"The Tao of IETF". IETF Secretariat, November 1994.
RFC 1752: Bradner, Scott & Allison Mankin:
The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol, Januar 1995.
RFC 1776: Crocker, Steve:
The Address is the Message, 1. April 1995.
RFC 1855: Hambridge, S.:
"Netiquette Guidelines.", Oktober 1995.
RFC 1884: Hinden, Bob & Steve Deering:
IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, Dezember 1995.
RFC 1933: Gilligan, R. & E. Nordmark:
Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers, April 1996.
RFC 1958: Carpenter, Brian (Editor):
Architectural Principles of the Internet, Juni 1996.
RFC 2008: Rekhter, Yacov & Tony Li:
Implications of Various Address Allocation Policies for Internet Routing, Oktober 1996.
RFC 2026: Bradner, Scott:
The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3, Oktober 1996.
RFC 2027: Galvin, J.:
IETF Working Group Guidelines and Procedures, Oktober 1996.
RFC 2028 Hovey, R. & S. Bradner:
The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards Process, Oktober 1996.
RFC 2101:
Carpenter, Brian, Jon Crowcroft & Yacov Rekhter, IPv4 Address Behaviour Today, Februar 1997.
RFC 2373:
Hinden, Bob & Steve Deering, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, Juli 1998.
RFC 2374:
Hinden, Bob, Mike O'Dell & Steve Deering: An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format, Juli 1998.


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