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Net Views
Despite its growing presence in society, the Internet is hard to grasp - if it can be grasped at all. It is a volatile utensil made of software that seems to be in constant transience. How to visualize such a thing as the Internet? How to depict its structuring principles, its fragile composition, its social fabric graphically?
The Usenet Diner
The Usenet Diner is a source for information on Usenet history, technology, and culture. It provides links to many useful resources both for users and administrators and contains a collection of academic work on Usenet.
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Copyright 1994-1998 Projektgruppe "Kulturraum Internet". c/o Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin. Telefon: (030) 254 91 - 207; Fax: (030) 254 91 - 209;
; http://duplox.wzb.eu.