Selected Publications

Hofmann, Jeanette, Katzenbach, Christian, Münch, Merlin: Kulturgütermärkte im Schatten des Urheberrechts. Zur Pluralität praktizierter Regelungsformen, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 2012, No.41-42, 39-45.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Die digitale Ökonomie, in: Böll. Thema 12:2 Digitale Demokratie, 2012, 32-35.

Hofmann, Jeanette and Katzenbach, Christian: Freedom on the Net 2012, Germany, Freedom House, 1-15.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Information und Wissen als Gegenstand oder Ressource von Regulierung, in: A. Busch und J. Hofmann, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Bd. 46, 2012, 5-23.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Private Ordering in the Shadow of Copyright Law. Google Books as a Blueprint, in: A. Busch und J. Hofmann, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Bd. 46, 2012, 248-272.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Critical Internet Resources: Coping with the Elephant in the Room, in: William J. Drake (ed.), Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All, The Fourth Internet Governance Forum, New York: United Nations, 2009, 1-14.

Hofmann, Jeanette: The Libertarian Origins of Cybercrime: Unintended Side-Effects of a Political Utopia, Discussion Paper No: 62, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2010.

Botzem, Sebastian and Jeanette Hofmann: Transnational governance spirals: the transformation of rule-making authority in Internet regulation and corporate financial reporting, Critical Policy Studies, 4: 1, 2010, 18-37 [draft].

Hofmann, Jeanette: Wider die Verschwendung: Für neue Denkfiguren in der Wissensregulierung, in: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit iRights.infoCopy.Right.Now! (Hrsg.), Plädoyers für ein zukunftstaugliches Urheberrecht, 2010,18-22.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Zukunft der digitalen Bibliothek, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, No. 42-43, 12. Oktober 2009, 25-32.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Before the Sky Falls Down: A 'Constitutional Dialogue' Over the Depletion of Internet Addresses, in: Bridget Hutter (2010) Anticipating Risk, forthcoming [draft].

Hofmann, Jeanette: Risk, transnational regulation and the public good: insights from Internet address management, in: Risk & Regulation: No 17, Summer 2009, 6-7.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Formierung und Wandel des Politischen in der Regulierung des Internet, in: Ulrike Bergermann, Isabell Otto, Gabriele Schabacher (Hg.), Das Planetarische. Kultur - Technik - Medien im postglobalen Zeitalter, München: Fink 2009 (Reihe "Mediologie", hg. von Ludwig Jäger).

Botzem, Sebastian, Jeanette Hofmann: Dynamiken transnationaler Governance -Grenzübergreifende Normsetzung zwischen privater Selbstregulierung und öffentlicher Hierarchie, in: Sebastian Botzem, Jeanette Hofmann, Sigrid Quack, Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Holger Straßheim (Hrsg.), Governance als Prozess - Koordinationsformen im Wandel, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2009, 225-249.

Hofmann, Jeanette: Cyclic dreams of a strong state, in: Risk&Regulation: CARR Review Financial Crisis Special, London School of Economics, December 2008, 9.

Botzem, Sebastian, Jeanette Hofmann: Transnational Institution Building as Public-Private Interaction - The Case of Standard Setting on the Internet and in Corporate Financial Reporting, Discussion Paper No: 51, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2008.

Jeanette Hofmann Foto
photo: David Ausserhofer

Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
Reichpietschufer 50
10785 Berlin

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Lehre SoSe 2011 an der FU Berlin

Regulation of Information Goods and Services

Modul: Strukturen und Steuerung der politischen Kommunikation

Digital technologies remind us that information goods differ from other consumer goods. They are easy to copy, share and modify; and they tend to be cumulative: as knowledge workers, we all stand on the shoulders of giants. The more importance modern societies attach to the creation of information and knowledge, the more relevant the rules become that govern their production, circulation and use. This seminar will examine the regulation of information goods and services with a focus on copyright and its transformation.

The first part of the seminar will look at the characteristics of information goods and develop a regulatory perspective on copyright. Leading questions are why we need copyright laws, how they have changed in response to digitization and why they have become so controversial. The second part of the seminar will address the regulation of information goods and services from an empirical point of view. Examples such as Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia and Google Books, which constitute new public spheres, will be used to understand the rules that shape the creation and exchange of information or knowledge. The seminar will conclude with an assessment of the impact of contemporary information governance.

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New publications:

cover Internet Governance
Hofmann, Jeanette, "Critical Internet Resources: Coping with the Elephant in the Room", in: William J. Drake (ed.), Internet Governance: Creating Opportunities for All, The Fourth Internet Governance Forum, New York: United Nations, 2010, pp. 1-14.
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Cover Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ 42-43/2009), Zukunft des Buches, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn, 48 pages.
cover Governance als Prozes
Sebastian Botzem, Jeanette Hofmann, Sigrid Quack, Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Holger Straßheim (eds.) Governance als Prozess - Koordinationsformen im Wandel, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2009, 688 pages.

updated  2012-05-16