photo: David Ausserhofer
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für
Sozialforschung (WZB)
Reichpietschufer 50
10785 Berlin
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Lehre SoSe 2011 an der FU Berlin
Regulation of Information Goods and Services
Modul: Strukturen und Steuerung der politischen Kommunikation
Digital technologies remind us that information goods differ from other
consumer goods. They are easy to copy, share and modify; and they tend
to be cumulative: as knowledge workers, we all stand on the shoulders of
giants. The more importance modern societies attach to the creation of
information and knowledge, the more relevant the rules become that
govern their production, circulation and use. This seminar will examine
the regulation of information goods and services with a focus on
copyright and its transformation.
The first part of the seminar will look at the characteristics of
information goods and develop a regulatory perspective on copyright.
Leading questions are why we need copyright laws, how they have changed
in response to digitization and why they have become so controversial.
The second part of the seminar will address the regulation of
information goods and services from an empirical point of view. Examples
such as Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia and Google Books, which constitute
new public spheres, will be used to understand the rules that shape the
creation and exchange of information or knowledge. The seminar will
conclude with an assessment of the impact of contemporary information
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updated 2012-05-16